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Friday, April 12, 2013

Mysterious Planchette on Instagram

While the endeavors of regular, informative blog posts can be postponed by the doldrums of shop ownership and the excitement of travels, researching, and collecting, one thing I usually always have a few spare minutes to participate in--typically while in bed early mornings and late nights with iPhone in hand--is to engage in some photo sharing on Instagram. I use the MysteriousPlanchette moniker to post some of visually appealing aspects of my greater studies as I run across them, and the popularity of the posts, admittedly self-indulgent at first, seem to have gained popularity with a wider audience.
  So, if you are an instagram user, I encourage you to follow mysteriousplanchette there, and I'll continue to strive to post the more eerie, surreal, and bizarre pictures from the history of spirit communication to fill in the gaps when I just can't find enough gaps between the ticking seconds in the day to update this blog. See you there!

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