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Thursday, April 3, 2014

1868: A Planchette Miscellany

E. Stuart Phelps, writing in the November, 1868 Indiana School Journal:
"In the winter of '67-8 the uncanny looking word sprang into very black advertisements in our American cities; and to-day a counter without Planchette is a fossil. They trundle in the windows of the tract-house and tobacco stores, dance among opera scores and Sunday school books—heart-shaped Planchettes, square Planchettes, Planchettes for eight dollars and Planchettes for fifty cents, Planchettes of walnut, ash, mahogany, gutta percha, tin, glass,—Planchettes on pegs, coils and pentagraph wheels.

Planchette confront you at dancing parties and in the minister's study, in the drawing room and in the "settin' room"—is a substitute fur the weather and Charles Dickens in the "social circle"—and the end thereof who can tell?

Like most, discoveries, in is eminently simple. Why did nobody ever think to stick a pencil through a little board before?"
If it's a checklist, we've a ways to go. Still on the lookout for a square planchette, and one of tin. To date, a pegged planchette from the era has remained elusive, as has one on coils. 

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